the secretary of defense is robert gates.
speedy & i did get to do our event today except we elected not to hassle with bringing a bicycle, so it was run-canoe-run which is similar to but not to be confused with run-forest-run. a good time was had by all. saw 2 other soccer players at the super-tri, and we were glad that the soccer for today was cancelled since we were all playing hookey from playing soccer to go play in canoes.
did you hear about the kentucky derby yesterday? the winning horse was like a 50-1 shot. good on ya!
swine flu news: today's reports include the fact that the flu has now passed from person to pig. what? what?? i thought it was going from pigs to people, and that was the whole point of calling it swine flu. now it's going from people to pigs? this is ridiculous. also ridiculous - the media's insistence that this is some sort of global pandemic. it's the freakin' flu - that's it. more people have flu every "flu season", i.e. winter, than have this swine flu now. what real news stories is the media trying to distract us from? swine flu is not a pandemic. the only place it's caused real trouble is mexico, and in case you haven't looked into mexico lately, it's like a 3rd world country. everyone's all worried about nations in africa when right next door mexico is slipping further into sheer cess. all they needed to stop this swine flu outbreak was a little tamiflu and maybe a couple other drugs which are readily available a few hundred miles away in the u-s-of-a. is it any wonder people are constantly crossing the border?
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