24 September 2008

another day feeding the elephants

the contracts were reported to be lost. i told the new unit assistant to look in the filing cabinet 3 times. i pointed to the filing cabinet & said - did you look in that one? she replied, yes. but, she obviously did not do it b/c she said she could not find the contracts, and when i looked in the very same pointed-at cabinet, wah-lah, the contracts were right freakin' there.

later, she tried to :page: me by yelling my name across the office. i make a distinct & studied point of ignoring people when they do this. we are not a circus -- we are an office. get up & walk over. email me. call me on the freakin' tellyfone, but do not under any circumstances voice-page me with your intraoffice yellization.

and, lastly but not leastly, what about me says, tell me about your oil change? i am going out on a limb here & saying if you look closely -- nothing. nothing about me says that i am remotely interested in your pets & children, much less the lubrication of your vehicle. stop, look, & listen. then, you can intelligently enter my conversational space - and by this i mean, step off.


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