spots & wires
i spotted for you 101010 and 102201 on the same odometer, so i am clearly a wee bit behind in communicating my spots. there you have it.
chemistry or physics? i am a fan of physics, myself. building things & moving things, that's more my style. mixing stuff together never caught my fancy. well, except for mixing foods together. yum.
wwwtc? nwwtc? anyone heard anything? not yet, eh?
there is something funny going on around here. bumps & thumps outside. the lights blink - once, twice, three times. the internet connection goes out. then, it all comes back on again. oooo - spooky!
have you ever seen the show saving grace? that holly hunter has some boss biceps & triceps & forearms & all that shizzle. she's small, but wireeeyyyy! they always have her all in sleeveless tops and mid-drifts and so forth & so on. showing a lot of that wirey skin. but, talkin' 'bout spooky - it's kinda spooky for some reason. probably b/c she is so danged wireeyy.
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