so - what about that earthquake in china, eh?
what a disaster. last i heard, up to 50,000 people may have been killed in the quake. many, many thousands have not yet been found - buried under rubble. what a nightmare. it's difficult to know exactly what is going on b/c the govt there is still so repressive. the citizen don't want to say anything bad about the govt or be portrayed by the foreign media as even having bad thoughts about the govt. they are afraid the western media will make it appear they are unhappy with their govt. and, really, what would be our motivation for that, eh? would we really want to make the chinese govt look bad? i don't know why we would, but perhaps we would. and, here's another thing about foreign correspondants - why do they all have british accents? just curious.
what a fascinating place, china. so everlovin' large, but yet, so stealth. quiet. hush-hush. ancient chinese secret. what is going on in there, eh? certainly not earthquake-proof building codes, that's for sure. why do so many orphan babies come out of china to america? so many little girls... do they still have those laws about how many children each couple can have? are boys still more valuable than girls? or, was all that some kind of twisted urban legend? hush-hush. ancient chinese secret.
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