08 May 2008

not really a big surprise, now is it?

the state legislature of the state in which i live passed a law last banning smoking in public places. this includes all restaurants [unless they specify they are for over-21s only], stores, shopping malls - anywhere except the great out of doors. including -- state legislature building.

so, guess where there is smoking going on indoors? that's right, the state legislature bldg. there is a special room set up with an air purifier & a sandbag "snake" to block the air from going out under the door. there's a handmade sign on the hallway door - "do not open" - to remind folks to come around & enter the room from the back. the local news investigative team found filled ashtrays with recent ciggiebutts, score sheets from card games, and a drawer filled with alcohol. well, turns out that card games and alcohol are legal in the ol' state legi around here - so it's only the smoking that's a violation of the law.

the representative who occupies this office [where there was also smoking] & adjacent conference room has been sent a letter reminding him of the law. reminding him what he so enthusiastically supported just last year. reminding him that if you are messing around, someone will tell on you. reminding him that if you sit by a window doing something you should not, someone will see you & report it. reminding him that there is no such thing as a "friend" in the legislature. reminding him that he is a hypocritical doofus.


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