29 April 2008

if you could throw a rock into outer space, would it become an asteroid?

tonight the crappy green team played indoors, where we win. tonight's total tallied 7-0, and i put one in the net for the correct team this time. yay-me!

today i was instructed to make a phone call to a customer who was experiencing difficulty accessing our website. i called, and this is what i heard: this at&t customer has used caller-id to block all incoming calls from unknown numbers. yours is an unknown number. to get around caller-id on a one-time only basis pending approval by this customer, press zero. i pressed 0, and this is what i heard: you have pressed an incorrect key. that is an invalid selection. this at&t customer has used caller-id to block all incoming calls from unknown numbers. yours is an unknown number. to get around caller-id on a one-time only basis pending approval by this customer, press zero. i pressed 0, and can you guess what i heard? now, guess what the caller-id heard -- that's right, the sound of me hang-freakin-up. sheezle.

oh, no worries. i emailed the guy, and he called me back. he told me they did not have any calls blocked and asked if i had dialed the correct number. uh... yeah, buddy. i have caller-id, too, and i can see your number right there on my id. he requested that i try again. fine. whatevs. i called, and this is what i heard: this at&t. that's it. click-ola. he called back and asked what happened. the same freakin thing, buddy! sheezle. while he had me on the line, he informed me he is now able to get to our website. great - that's it, buddy, game over. i am not your personal caller-id tester. get off the line. goodbye.

in other news, there were no vanilla snackwells in the vendo.
sadness abounds.


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