hey, what's up? the freakin price of freakin gas-oh-leen, that's what.
so, the price of gas is up, and everyone's all why doesn't somebody do something about it?. okay, what do you suggest? and, who should do it? most people will vaguely blame the current administration or less vaguely but no more accurately - the current president. if the current president were to blame, do you not think something would be done about the problem? seriously - exactly how powerful do you think that one man is? if nancy pelosi wanted to propose a solution to the high price of gas, she could & would. but, she don't wanna. why not? well, duh-honkus, she is making money off the high prices, too. "they" all are - republicans, democrats, congressmen, senators, judges, journalists, butches, bakers, & candlestickmakers. anyone with any say in anything on the great capitol hill is making money off the price you are paying at the pump. if they are not making money, they are reaping some benefit from the big oil companies, b/c if they were not, they would do something to change things. they would.
so, here we are all persecuted by the big oil companies. where's the righteous indignation? where's the million man march? where's the horn-honking campaign that citizens of this very state so admirably utilized to put the kibosh on the proposed income tax? where are the letter writing campaigns, the petitioners collecting signatures, the town meetings with fiery speeches?
why are we all sitting around on our duffs doing nothing? well, one reason is that we are not used to organizing these things for ourselves. we need a capitán in a rally cap, a pathfinder, guide, leader. we need someone to tell us where to be & when to be there & exactly how to temper our displays of justifiable anger with pitiful tears.
why have we no leader? b/c the people in positions to lead a campaign for lowering gas prices, regulating the industry, or turning gasoline into a utility just like the lights & the water -- the people in positions to actually do something or even the people who know people in those positions -- they are all in some way benefiting from the price of gas being high. maybe they have stock in the oil companies. maybe they own car lots. maybe it is not them, but their children, their spouses, their brothers, sisters, aunts, or uncles who have these connections. but, the bottom line is that big oil is called big oil b/c it is big. it is pervasive & persuasive.
until there is someone with incentive to make a change & that someone is in a position of power, there will not be change. [duh-honkus] nevertheless, do not get caught up in the hype that a new administration is the panacea. exactly what has anyone said -- that they will make changes? right. big talk. big vague talk. until someone comes forth with a plan, it is all simply vapor - as volitile as gas vapor & just as worthy of caution.
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