20 December 2007

bits & pieces

tom tancredo dropped out of the presidential race today. ever heard of ol' tom? yeah... me neither. i am guessing that's probably the main issue in his failed campaign. tancredo's from colorado... where there are a lot of cowboys... and horses. oh, please. do i have to draw you a picture?

let me just take a moment to make a point to all the people who get their coffee from the common coffee pot at work: after you have gotten your coffee, move along, little dogies! do not stand around blocking the coffee pot while conversing. do not look at me like i am invading your personal space when you are blocking the coffee pot. do not sigh and roll your eyes when i ask you to please excuse me so that i can reach the coffee pot. if you continue to behave this way, i will be forced to pour coffee directly from the pot onto your head.

did you know that 8/100 first-year pill takers [yes, that pill] get pregnant? they are likely not using it quite correctly. possibly this is what happened to the young miss spears. perhaps "zoey" didn't get the "101" on birth control. perhaps these 8 pill takers are confusing the pills & the pieces. not interchangeable, i feel must point out.
[see pic of pieces, above]

today, the new girl at work dressed in a virtual mimickry of moi. that is right - she knows who to imitate. uh-huh. oh, yeah. that's right. imitate the best, young lady, and maybe one day you can be stupendacular like moi.

for the record, mitt romney's father did not march with martin luther king in the 60s. that was him being figurative, not literal. uh-huh. right, mitt. again, i will reiterate that a piece of softball equipment is not qualified to be president of the usa.

[no, this is not a picture of softball equipment. it goes with the over all theme of this post. try to keep up. thanks.]


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