15 December 2007

see this. read this. do this.

go see i am legend. it is truly an amazing movie. all you have to buy into is the original premise, and then it plays like a documentary - so true to life. you are not asked to buy into multiple fictions - there is just the one premise from which the story is derived. it is really quite simple & believable, making the action that much more moving, more frightening, more heart-wrenching. will smith gives a stunning performance. the visuals are simultaneously realistic & breath-taking. the dialog is spot on, and the supporting cast is small yet tremendous.

go read king dork. it is truly an amazing book. it speaks with the authentic, first-hand voice of a disenfranchised adolescent male. the narrator is self-aware, oddly self-assured, yet hilariously self-deprecating. he sees and reveals depth in his family and his one friend. he paints the cliques at his high school predictably flat, while simultaneously giving dimension to selected individuals within them. the plot is so believable as to approach the mundane. it is the voice of the narrator -- his pithy & witty descriptions, his ability to wind out a story -- that breathes life into the book.

go do grocery shopping. it is a truly amazing experience. purchase foodstuffs to consumalize in your own home. there is really no better expression of our freedom, no better endorsement of capitalism, and no better exercise in survival. aisles packed with necessities and frivolous treats. peanut butter. bacon. bread. coffee. poptarts. almonds. kool-aid. shrimp. each one portioned, packaged, & labeled. take - eat. enjoy.


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