09 November 2007

dog pound, bay water, & poptarts

from the cat's records dog pound: huffamoose, nik freitas, & shaking tree. those are the debatables - the ones standing in judgment. or, standing beneath the glare of judgment. something. you know what i mean. anyhooo - also found charlotte church's voice of an angel. this is a recording of the 12-year-old singing phenom belting out a variety of traditional church fare and bright welsh ditties. only 12 years old? yeah, she was only 12 years old in 1998 when the album came out. criminy - the little angel is 21!

made a stop at dollar tree for the large size bandages to dress the aforementioned stitches and picked up some cherry flavored sparkling water brought to us by crystal bay. the only bay this water has occupied is the shelving bay. this water tastes distinctly of plastic. but, it is hydration, yes? wondering if it could be harmful. thoughts?

i am very, very sad to report that there are no poptarts in the house for breakfast tomorrow. very, very sad. verily, i say unto ye, 'tis sadness abounding.


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