03 May 2007

hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen flourine neon sodium magnesium aluminum silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon

planning to make some banana bread. got some walnuts. then, stayed out all night doing soccer shizzle. criminy. maybe the banana bread will get done tomorrow. tomorrow is hummus day. yay hummus! yay!

ally sheedy is on csi tonight and either she is looking rough or her character is looking rough.

did you ever have an assignment and then figure it out... there it is, you know how to do it, so you know it's going to be easy. it was a puzzle, but now it's not. once you've figured it out, it's like all the fun is gone somehow, and all that's left is the work. even though the work will be easy, it's the figuring it out that was fun. tedium is all there is left. that's where i'm at with this project at work. figured out the puzzle -- but still have to do the work.


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