28 April 2007

went to bed a little after 17:00, woke up at 01:30... 02:30... 03:30...

at 01:30, my old man woke me up b/c i was screaming in my sleep, but it wasn't really screaming, it was more like hollering b/c i'm no soprano. hollering caused by a dream about a box of books falling down the stairs towards me. at 02:30, i was awokenized by a great deal of pain in my leg. yes, this is one of the two legs i'll be relying on today to carry me 26.2 miles. doesn't hurt so much right now, but still is hurting, and i'm guessing it's psychosomatic. in other words, my leg is psycho. woke up at 3:30 b/c that's when i get up. eat the poptarts, drink the coffee, shower, dress, pick up speedy, drive to town, pit stop at the office, drive to the start, stand, sit, stand, portapottie, walk around, stand, GO, run, run, jogjogjog, run, walk, stand, walk, run, jogjogjogjog, walk, jog, jog, and save a wee little something for running across the finish line, smile for the camera, lay down on the pavement and force tiny speedy to carry me to the car.

how did you sleep, and what are your plans for the morning?

for decoration, i googled "running gif animated", and look what came up. cool, eh? that's what i look like when i am running.


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