06 March 2007


ace, upon bording van: good morning.
jerky: you can stop saying that.
ace, surprised & laughing: what? uh...

passenger-x, upon bording van: if you keep parking farther away, pretty soon we'll have to meet you on the highway.
jerky: i'm trying to park closer to passenger-y.
[no reason given for patently bizarre answer. perhaps jerky and p-y are having a fling?]

ace is not p-x, but ace is glad to see that someone else on the van has brains. jerky & p-x had prolonged convo in re: titans. jerky continued to demonstrate jerkyness.

ace chooses to be a amused at jerky and will continue the program of good mornings ad infinitum. mayhaps... ad naseum. bwah-hah-hah.


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