02 March 2007

in the evening

tried to solve the blue coast jones with a chili's salad because going to chili's was not my choice, so i tried to behave and unjones the jones, but it didn't work. still jonesin' for blue coast. perhaps there will be a chance tomorrow after the 10 at 7 with speedy. that's 10 miles at 7am, not at 7 min/mile. duh. even speedy ain't that speedy.

right now on tv: the vandy v. florida women's basketball game -- s.e.c. tourney time. march madnessssss. there's a new thing in college basketball these days - especially with the girls, you will see a lot of this: the knee. because they have finally smarted up and figured out the shorts were too long. really can't imagine trying to run the court in those pants the boys wear. mark my words: the first team that puts aside the demands of fashion and frees their knees will improve their record year on year by some significant percentage. can't tell you the percentage exactly, because it's a secret.


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