supposed to run 20 this morning but springing forward has thrown off sense of getting-ready urgency -- also tight i.t. band & hamstrings... gaaa!
finished bridget jones's diary and started bridget jones: the edge of reason straightaway. hmph. the edge of reason is typical sequel: bridget doing bridget, as it were. it's a caricature of ol' bridgie from the first book -- emptier, shallower, flatter. the only emotion in the sequel is the rushed feeling of flustery raw hurriedness. there is none of the inherent winsomeness of the first book. [no one really needs another pic of ol' renee, do they? here's colin firth as mark darcy. much better.]
some quotes from the first... no good quotes yet from the second:
i will not sulk about having no boyfriend, but develop inner poise and authority and sense of self as woman of substance, complete without boyfriend, as best way to obtain boyfriend.
i realized that i have spent so many years being on a diet that the idea that you might actually need calories to survive has been completely wiped out of my consciousness.
would that christmas could just be, without presents. it is just so stupid, everyone exhausting themselves, miserably hemorhaging money on pointless items nobody wants: no longer tokens of love but angst-ridden solutions to problems. (hmmm. though must admit, pretty bloody pleased to have new handbag.) what is the point of entire nation running around for six weeks in a bad mood preparing for utterly pointless taste-of-others exam which entire nation then fails and gets stuck with hideous unwanted merchandise as fallout? if gifts and cards were completely eradicated, then christmas as pagan-style twinkly festival to distract from lengthy winter gloom would be lovely.
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