a day without posting is like a day without abusive riding instructors yelling about which leg is the lead leg and can't you get on the gait you loser
posting has different meanings. see?
there's a triathlon coming up local around here, and it's free which is a good price, and as per the name "tri", it contains three events, and the three are (1) bikecycling; part b - canoeing; final leg = running. intriguiging bit there with the water part being in a boat and not self-propelled watering (i.e. swimming - although canoeing is more self-propelled than, say, jetskiing), and also intriguiging is that word intriguiging. fairly certain not spelling that correctly. also maybe not getting jetskiing correct.
interesting triathlon would be horseback/canoe/lanyard. summercamp tri, as it were. ride a horse from the barn to the dock, canoe from dock to someplace to land canoe, hop out & whip up a lanyard keychain. sort of hits the tough physical and the geek-craft portions of summercamp. perhaps also to be singing some campy song while on horseback and switching to other campy song for canoeing (good one here = my paddle keen & bright) and final campy song for lanyarding. perhaps only singing on canoeing portion. interesting. nay... more than merely interesting... intriguiging.
whatever, eh?
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