06 September 2011

when you get the answer you want, hang up.

blogger is promoting their new updated interface. yay. yipee. a new interface.

** SIGH **

it's not that i don't like to try new things - it's that trying new things is not what the new interface is about. what? you say, how can trying something new not be about trying something new?

okay, here's how it is - i use blogger to write a blog.

that's it. that's how it is. i don't need a bunch of bells and whistles. i need like three bells and a whistle, maybe two.

the problem with these updates is that they are bloated bell behemoths. whalloping whistle whales. oleaginous lineament leviathans.


i simply want to write a little note, maybe a couple pictures, using an interface that runs cleanly on a small computer. it's not about not wanting to try something new, it's about not needing to.


At 15 September, 2011 09:05, Blogger Jeff Edmonds said...

Their whole MO is to present updates as "try this." It's going to be implemented anyways, but if we present it as a choice that you get to "try" then maybe you will feel like you freely chose it even though you are being chosen by it.

It's patronizing.

Come to think of it, this is pretty much the whole nature of choice anyways. Wasn't this what Oedipus Rex was about?


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