what's the point of carving it in stone?
memory is a funny thing. looking back over the course of life, what do you see? is it like videos or like snapshots? i see more snapshots than video, and i think the video is stuff i am reconstructing, not remembering. not that there is that big of a difference when you come down to it.
it's funny when you are somewhere with someone and you do something together, and then later you talk about what you did, and your stories don't match. how does that happen? perspective, filters, what you've learned or know or experienced in the past, all the other stuff in your brain gets together and decides what you are going to remember.
there's a new teevee show scheduled for fall release in which the main character is a woman with a photographic memory. there's another word for it, but in layman's terms, photographic. the promos all say "only 8 people in the united states have a photographic memory" which i am not sure if that's true, but sheldon on big bang theory has it, also, so two of them are on teevee and what are the odds of that?
anyway, few people have photographic memory banks. the rest of us aren't remembering so much as reconstructing which is why i was saying previously (remember?) -- that those two amount to the same thing.
see, what's happened is that you've told a story and given it a location, and i've only been to that location once. one time, and definitely NOT for what you have described. a conclusion to be drawn from my memory of my having been to that location only once is that you did the thing without me, but that doesn't jibe. see, i remember doing the thing, but in a different location. i sat in a chair by the door.
are we remembering two different occurrences? could be. it's possible that the thing you are talking about sounds like the thing i remember doing with you, but maybe you did this other thing and also the thing with me, so you have two memories to my one. my assuming that you are talking about the thing we did together makes me think you got the location wrong, but if i were to ask you and we were to compare, we might be able to sort it out.
of course, it could be we only did the one thing, together, and that one of us remembers incorrectly. we could talk that out, too, but might not get anywhere. we'd probably need a third party to help sort us out. if it's even that important.
maybe we both did both things, but i only remember one of them. that would be about par for the course for me, especially if i didn't enjoy the occassion. i need my brainspace for all sorts of important information, so i tend to just drop out the memories i don't enjoy. makes more room for the good stuff.
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