24 December 2010

livebloggin from the b&n café

do they have electrical outlets in this place? my battery is running down. yes, i am that person crawling around the b&n starbux looking for a place to plug in while mini-me and my old man are doing some solsticefest gift buying. back at the ranch, the painters are still painting, and while their working precludes lounging at the house, it also provides a convenient excuse for not preparing foodstuffs for the various celebrati we shall be attending. it's sort of a "that's good, that's bad" situation. or, "that's bad, that's good" if you will.

b&n is a bit wacked out. they rearranged all the shelves, so that now where there formerly was reference there is currently new manga and role playing. completely different audiences...

wait. what?

i have no idea. that was like 14 hours ago. why are you asking me about that now? sheesh. don't you ever sleep?


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