25 October 2009

wouldn't a payday taste like paper? unless you get paid by electronic transfer in which case it would taste like lightning. lightening. lightinging.

it is that time of year again. candy corn time. i am a fan of the candied corns, but here's the annoying thing about candy corn time - it's also the time of year when folks feel compelled to reveal this "secret" they've learned: that mixing candy corn + peanuts = yummy. HEY YOU EEJITS IT AIN'T A SECRET! they are all like, oooo - tastes like a payday! which is really stupid b/c who really cares if it tastes like a payday? what the hell diff does it make if it tastes LIKE anything else?? it's just yummy as it is. and, secondly - it's not a complicated recipe that your granny done passed down to ya. you don't have to whisper it like some big corporation's going to steal it from you. it's candy corn + peanuts. there's not even any cooking involved. pluswise, a big corporation did already steal it and make the payday, so the whole secret's kind of OUT THERE ALREADY. jeezum.

here is the recipe from a recipe website. i followed the recipe and got stuck on the first direction - "mix". this is so vague! do i mix in a bowl? a box? a ziploc bag? an empty coke bottle? a doggie dish? do i use a spoon? my hands? my feet? the doggie's feet? good thing they mention serving it in a bowl because i was thinking about just throwing it on the floor.

so, here ya go. the recipe. the best part is - it tastes just like a payday!

-- 1 cup candy corn
-- 1 cup salted peanuts
-- 1 - Mix the Candy Corn and peanuts together.
-- 2 - Serve in a bowl.


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