18 October 2009

day two at the graceland b&b

went to the super-discount store today to scout for some bargains. my old man found socks and a hat, and i found something for mini-me, but didn't find anything for myself, and here's why - i need to stop spending my time in the discount clothing sections. i have enough discount clothing to last me quite a while. i am going to start perusing the housewares and shoes. i would like to have some sort of lunch container solution that works well or at the least is interesting - and also a pair of rain boots.

elvis & i went for a run this morning, and as usual, spent the time chatting about the solutions to everyone else's issues. we solved most everything. people should listen to us more.

currently watching the titans play in the snow against the pats. referee = gene steratore. earlier today in the minnesota-baltimore game: referee = mike carey. before that, in the other game where i don't remember who was playing: referee = ed hoculie. therefore, i have seen them all today. or, maybe it wasn't mike carey. i could have been mistaken in my excitement at the prospect of seeing all three of the best refs in the same afternoon.


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