06 October 2009

uverse rant [+ a wee bit o' ranting at my eejit self]

we switched to uverse from dishnetwork and were supposed to get a $125 cashback reward for the switch. i called in for the reward b/c the reward website was not wroking. the guy who answered phone said we are not eligible for $125 cash back b/c we did not switch from a cable internet provider. i said we were promised $125 and wanted $125. he said there was nothing he could do. i asked to talk to his supervisor and she said she could not process reward b/c we do not qualify. she said i could choose between $100 or nothing. i told her we would simply cancel the at&t services if we were going to quibble over $25. she repeated that she could not process a reward for which we do not qualify. i asked to talk to her supervisor. she said that there was no one who could process a reward for which we did not qualify. i asked her if she had a manager, and she said yes, she would get one. she put me on hold, and when she returned from hold, i accidentally hung up. d'oh! so, i called back and have currently been on hold for 10 minutes - the call has not been answered even preliminarily yet. OMG THEY JUST ANSWERED AND I HUNG UP AGAIN. WHAT KIND OF AN IDIOT HANGS UP EVERY TIME?! this is ridiculous. anyway, as i was saying - it would be difficult to switch back to dishnetwork because we sent the freakin' equipment back. but we could switch back if this doesn't get settled!! OKAY. i am on hold again. let's see if i can answer the freakin' phone without hanging up this time.

UPDATE: called back. was on hold. hold was answered. requested my reward. heard, "no problem. $125 cash back. a check is in the mail. here's your confirmation number." i asked why something that had been so easy for her was impossible for everyone else. she said she didn't know, but it really wasn't that difficult. weird, eh? but, we shall see if we really get our reward.


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