16 April 2009

getting serious

i was gonna get serious here about the topic of the government buying up toxic assets b/c i heard on [where else] npr that the govt [i.e., you] are spending more money each day purchasing toxic assets than on the war in iraq. but, i couldn't find the reference for that, so i am not 100% sure it's true. i'll keep looking, though, cause i am looking out for you.

in the meantime, i came up with a great idea while walking to my vanpool. this young lady walked by me talking on her phone thru that setup with the earbuds & mic. well, she was ostensibly talking on her phone. here's where my idea comes in - wear the headset or the blue tooth, and you're free to walk around talking to yourself! beauty, eh? no more covering up by pretending you're singing to yourself - as if that is better than talking to yourself - with the blue tooth in place, you can just chatter away to yourself without getting those funny looks you've had to inure yourself to.

you're welcome.


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