it is easy to be a genius when you work with eejits.
-- coworker - hey, ace... you know how the other day when we needed to know the info about the thing? well, i have another thing, and i need to know the info. what should i do?
-- ace - how 'bout you do again what i suggested you do the other day?
-- coworker - oh, ace - you are a genius! thank you!
really. happened.
watching obama's first press conf, and i must say he looks about 15 yrs older than he did 2 mos ago. oh, wait. he just said "ginned up" - as in, i came in here all ginned up. what? eh? c'mon, big guy. use your words. if bush had said something red-neck equivalent to ginned-up, we'd have never heard the end of it. ::sigh:: okay, okay. i'll stop.
tomorrow we've got an off-site retreat. planning to go into the city, get in a run, shower etc., then head to the off-site. i think this is an excellent plan. just hope it pans out as beautifully as it would appear that it can. really need to get up right this min & check the laundry, but the power cord on this machine is in bad shape and requires sitting still. therefore, i sit.
still reading scarpetta by patricia cornwell. it's good - no doubt - but just going slow for whatever reason. probably too much time spent on ebay purchasing xylophones.
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