some words & some more words with no pictures today
okay, here is something yummy - jason's deli graham crackers. i don't know what they do to those things, but man-o-man, they are some good stuff.
speaking of good stuff, here is some bad stuff - vince young's attitude yesterday. his team is winning, and he is sitting on the bench, hanging his head, pouting, and what is the cause of this behaviour? he thinks he is playing badly, and well, he is correct there. but, does he think that is the way to behave when the rest of his team is obviously playing their butts off & preserving a hard-fought win? vince, man - wake up! get your head out of your head - stop thinking about your self. congratulate & thank your team for playing hard & holding you up. guess what - kerry collins goes in there & takes 'em down the field & scores. this is supposed to make you happy. whatever emotions you are feeling that do not allow you to celebrate a win with your team - these emotions need to be taken care of. now. coaches, friends, family, teammates -- somebody needs to slap some sense into young mr young's silly head!
more bad stuff: the plethora of unsupported statistics that flood the media & the discussion spaces during election season. by discussion spaces, i mean not only official discussions like blogs & such, but also office chats, busstop conversations, & the like. everyone is throwing stats around & discussing them as fact. the problem with stats is that out of context, they are meaningless. for prigzample: sarah palin cut the special ed budget in alaska by 62%. that's a stat. and, at "face value", it sounds bad. the reality is that the budget was shifted - something called the "alaska challenge youth academy" was moved to another part of the budget the first year that palin was governor. all the monies went with it to a different part of the budget. that line item was in the spec ed bdgt before, but was moved for whatever reason people move things in bgdts - to get a closer look at that one thing, perhaps, or to get a look at something else. it was simply moved. perhaps it is not technically a spec ed project. who knows. the point is that she did not cut the budget - she moved something.
::sigh:: i don't want to turn this into a political rant blog. please tell me you understand that statistics are tricky. good. thank you.
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