30 September 2008

the purpose of the tax system is to generate revenue, not to dole out fairness.

wealth redistribution is a central tenet of socialism.

you know those peanut butter taffies with the sort of dry peanut buttery center, wrapped in black & orange waxed papers, only really available at hallereen time? yeah, you do. aren't they great? yeah, they certainly are. are we glad they are not available all year round? yeah, we are. of course, there are the infamous mary janes, available year round.

today is rosh hashana. or, well... yesterday & today? i am not prigzactly sure how these things work. kind of embarrassing there. hrm. it's a jewish holiday, and those generally run from sunset to sunset. rosh hashana is the jewish new year and is a very big holiday which leads into yom kippur, also a very big holiday, which occurs in about a week. or, in exactly a week. again, not sure. hrm. what i do know is this is a high holy time for jews, but also a merry celebration time. l'shana tovah! <- that means, basically, "for a good year" or "wishing you a good year".

l'shana tovah!!


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