29 June 2008

is that some sort of speech impediment, or is he on crack?

current barometric pressure is 29.89 inches. it appears, from all our observations of the pressure, that the changes are quite subtle. based on what we've seen these past several days, 29.89 is definitely on the low side. whatever that means.

plans for the week include:
- mail the house payment that was previously mailed as an envelope containing only the receipt without the check. doh!
- scan the photos for the photo project. someone promised to scan 50 each night. who was that? hmm....
- test the mosquito net solution b/c if it doesn't work, another solution will have to come into play.

why do plans for the week include mosquito netting, you ask? b/c the mosquito netting will be used on the visit to brigadoon. brig-a-doooon! brig-a-doooon!

4 5 6 -7 -6 65
Brigadoon. Brigadoon,
6 -5 5 4 4 -4 5
blooming under sable skies.
4 5 6 8 -8 75
Brigadoon. Brigadoon,
6 -6 -7 6 -7 -6 6
there my heart forever lies.
-4 5 -5 -4 6 5 -5 -4
Let the world grow cold around us.
-5 -6 -8 7 -7 7 -8
Let the heavens cry above.
4 5 6 -7 -6 64
Brigadoon. Brigadoon,
7 -8 8 7 8 -8 7
in thy valley there'll be love.


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