omg - elvis got a tat
last night there was a really exciting ending to the ut v rutgers womens basketball game, but we missed it b/c we didn't quite get the whole thing on tivo. my old man found the game today on espn-u, so he tivo'd it. guess what - he did not get the end. criminy! the ending was both exciting & controversial. and, we still have not seen it. tonight we are watching vandy v kentucky at vandy. i've got a skinny cinnamon dolce latte riding on this one. go dores!
speaking of skinnamon dolce lattes, did you hear that starbucks is planning to begin offering free wireless? it is good to know that even the big guys are susceptible to competition. there is hope for the little guy. of course, the "little guy" in this scenario is panera & dunkin' donuts & mcdonald's... not really little guys, eh? but, if one can imagine an independent coffee house, perhaps this coffee house also serves ice cream, one could imagine that this indy place would be well served offering free wireless. yes, one could imagine this.
currently still reading the name of the wind, and it is quite enjoyable. it is apparently also overdue, as are all my liberry books, but the max fine is $5 per book, and that is cheaper than buying books, and i don't think i am going to max out the fine except on the one book that speedy borrowed b/c she is taking forever with it.
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