06 December 2007

the problem with free wireless at the coffee shop is that you get what you pay for.

the coffeeman says that their signal is available into the surrounding neighborhood, and that is why it keeps cutting out here. on the one hand, who am i to complain? but, on the other hand, i am paying for coffee & bagel - i want my free wireless!

speaking of wireless, you should see the cinnamon rolls here. they are huge and slathered with creamy frosting. mini-me would be drooling for sure.

and, here is an annoyance at the coffee shop: performance mobile phoning. take this lady here, stepping through a clearly choreographed routine in the middle of the café -- walking here, sitting there, arising, walking, turning -- all the while, giving career advice to the gerbil on the other end of the line. okay, it might not be a gerbil. maybe it is a hamster. or, is that hampster? at any rate, when having a mobile convo in public, i think you really just have to ask yourself - what would jesus do? - because as you can see right here in this photo, jesus would clearly step outside to take the phone call.


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