16 September 2007

just a few thoughts on sunday

while at the grocery yesterday, i purchased the latest issue of popular mechanics. the lead story is 25 skills every man should know. it's shizzle like change a tire, frame a wall, sharpen a blade, back up a trailer, install hdtv, and whatnot. being the good american male that i am, i figured i should study up on these items. right.

titans v colts in about 30 mins. i am wearing the new titans shirt i got from the kmart bargain bin and feeling very snazzy.

currently in possession of several overdue liberry boox. might take a jaunt to the facility tomorrow. it always feels like this huge pile of outrageously overdue boox, and i am like... jeepers, i will probably have to take out a loan to pay off the fines... and they calculate all the fines... and they are like, that will be $4.30... and i am like, no way!... and they are like, way!... and i am like, that is cheaper than purchasing even one book or even say an issue of popular mechanics... and they are like, yeah - could you just pay your fine? thanks.


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