01 June 2007

hummus day. hummus day. do a dance for hummus day. hummus day - it is today!

meanness is in the eyes of the beholder. mean is simply the dark side of funny. one man's mean is another man's funny.

not mean as in stingy. not mean as in defined linguistic interpretation. mean as in not nice.

do we mean to be mean, or do we mean to be funny? general consensus [not to be confused with general pershing, pictured here] states that we are attempting humor. on the other hand, we not trying to be not mean [if you see what i mean]. we are not trying to be nice, we are trying to be funny, and to hula with political correctness b/c sometimes it's simply humor. laughter is difficult enough to come by - and now we've got to worry about each other's feelings? lighten up and laugh a little.

of course, the flip side is that you have to be willing to take the joke. if you can dish it out, you have to take it, too. but, take it where & do what with it? absorb it? better to make like a martial arts expert, take the verbal momentum and turn it against the attacker.

slay them with humor, general.


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