15 May 2007

ted nugent is a crazy man. just sayin'.

not sure how it happened, but last night the teevee got set on this show called ted or alive. it's a reality show where a small group -- like, 6 maybe -- people camp out on ted nugent's farm and do things like wear animal skins, shoot crossbows at ted-shaped targets, and kill chickens with their bare hands. they do all this to compete and see who wins. wins what?? the chance to say you are as psycho as ol' ted?? criminy.

speaking of crazy -- our state legislature is considering a bill that would approve 19 new specialty license plates. the state already offers 90, so this would make the total 109 specialty license plate choices, not counting the legislative & other specialty plates not available to the general public. criminy, people -- how'm i s'posed to play the license plate game if 1 state has over 110 different license plates.

big article in the business section of yesterday's paper revealed the shocking news that music listeners would prefer to download 15 songs which they know & like for 99¢ a pop[song] on itunes, rather than purchase an entire cd of 11 mostly unknown songs for the same $15 outlay. really? gosh, you mean people would rather spend their hard-earned ¢a$h on music they know over music they don't know? who knew? shocking.

from the world of sports: lendale white is sitting out mini-camp with an injured hamstring. he may have a legit injury, but he was hurt when they drafted him and has been hurt ever since. he was not a good choice. i gave him a chance, and he didn't pan out, so i say ditch him. chris henry is working hard every day and talking to the cameras like a tough, hard-working gentleman. next week is full camp, so we shall see how he looks, but my money's on young chris to have a stellar year.

in medical news: the dentist couldn't find anything wrong with my jaw yesterday, so i am sticking with the spiders-in-the-ear theory. it's a chance for someone to make medical history, gettin' these spiders out of my ear. all the dentist can ask is - seems you may be grinding your teeth - have you been under any stress lately? stress? me? no way.


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