10 August 2007

hp7 - no spoilers - covers from usa & britain. the brits have 2 - one for the adult version. what about the rest of the world? more covers out there?

finished hp7, and the proper thing to say about the book is that it is extremely satisfying. satisfying sounds like not-much, but it's actually... well, it's everything. you've got an epic series, carried over many years, hyped maximally, made into movies, studied from every angle, blogged about, put on summer reading lists -- the epitome of a classic. the long-awaited conclusion is ripe with the potential for failure. but, what happens? the complexities are made simple, the answers are given, all is explained, resolved... in short, concluded. with this book, the series is made whole, and the satisfaction that affords is something to which all authors should aspire.

now that i have read it, i totally get the usa cover art. it's obvious once you know the story. i haven't looked at the others too much yet, so i don't have a comment on them.


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