17 February 2007


tried to do the taxes, and followed all the online instructions, and then right at the end, they rooked me and won't let me submit the taxes or print a copy unless i pay 29.95. turbo tax. they sent an email saying i could file for free, but then they trapped me into their web of lies. i sent them an email saying 29.95 is not free, so we'll see what they have to say about that.

if you ever sent someone a pkg by fedex, and maybe it's delayed or doesn't get there at all. maybe you wonder what happened to the pkg, but if you've ever watched the movie castaway, well then maybe you can figure out what happens to the pkgs. they are stranded on a desert island with tom hanks. duh.

tomorrow's assignment: 8 mile road. up the big hill & back. supposed to hit it at 08:00, and it's bound to be cold. forecast - 21º, feels like 10º. yipe.


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